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FIAP > XVIII FIAP International Seminar 2021 – Madrid, Spain


2 September, 2021

XVIII FIAP International Seminar 2021 – Madrid, Spain


The 18th FIAP International Seminar “Ensuring compliance with the objectives of the pension systems,” jointly organized by the International Federation of Pension Fund Administrators (FIAP) and the Spanish Association of Investment and Pension Funds (INVERCO), was held on October 28, 2021, in The Westin Palace Hotel, in Madrid, Spain.

The seminar addressed the reforms to the pension systems implemented or being discussed in Latin America and Europe, and their contribution to compliance with the fundamental purpose of the systems, namely, to grant adequate pensions to workers. The challenges faced by different countries in the demographic, labor, financial and social contexts were also addressed, as well as the need to increase the sources of pension financing, especially in economies with high levels of informality, in order to improve investment efficiency. Special attention were also given to the importance of applying appropriate communication strategies regarding essential aspects of the systems, thereby contributing to avoiding significant differences between expected benefits and those actually received.

Among the topics discussed were:

  1. Pension system reforms considering labor, demographic and financial trends, as well as social demands.
  2. New sources of pension financing in economies with high levels of informality.
  3. The communicational challenges of the individually-funded pension systems.
  4. Efficient management of the pension fund portfolios.

This Seminar coincided with the 24th FIAP Annual Assembly. As on previous occasions, the event featured international experts speaking of their experience and knowledge in different areas of interest. The Seminar was attended by participants from different regions of the world (FIAP members and others), including government officials, legislators, officials of international agencies, representatives of pension fund managers, mutual funds and insurance companies, and other personalities related to the financial sector and social security.

In order to download the presentation of each speaker at the seminar, please review the PDF files attached at the bottom of this page.

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Attached Files

FIAP International Seminar "Ensuring compliance with the objectives of the pension systems

Mathilde Mesnard - Opening of the Seminar


Moshe A. Milevsky - The Mathematical Logic of Planning for Old Age


Rafael Doménech - The pay-as-you-go pension systems in the current demographic context: the case of Europe


Santiago Montenegro - Funded pension systems versus pay-as-you-go systems in Latin America


Janwillem Bouma - Diagnosis and reforms to pension systems in Europe: the case of the Netherlands


Fredrik Palm - Diagnosis and reforms to pension systems in Europe: the case of Sweden


Kirsis Jáquez - Trends in pension reforms in Latin America


María de las Nieves Lanzagorta - Good reforms: the case of Mexico


Michal Rutkowski - Pensions for the informal sector: how to finance and whom to prioritize?


José Luis Orós - The pension via consumption applied today


Pablo Antolin - Retirement savings in times of Covid-19


Philippe Ithurbide - How Covid-19 and iconomics have transformed the world: consequences for Latin America and its Pension Funds


Rafael Rubio - Confidence in times of uncertainty


Todd Jablonski - Pension Multifunds vs. Target Date Funds


Gonzalo Rengifo - Sustainable Investment: fashion or megatrend of the future?


Jimena Llosa - Pension Funds: Investments, capital markets and social welfare

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