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FIAP > Fourth International Congress FIAP – ASOFONDOS – Dominican Republic


5 April, 2016

Fourth International Congress FIAP – ASOFONDOS – Dominican Republic

The International Federation of Pension Fund Administrators (FIAP) organized together with the Dominican Association of Pension Funds Administrators (ADAFP), the 2011 FIAP International Seminar “Advancing in the Strengthening and Consolidation of the Individually Funded Pension Systems”, on May 19th and 20th, 2011 at the Paradissus Palma Real Hotel & Resort, Bavaro, Punta Cana, Dominican Republic.

The purpose of the Seminar was to analyze different topics regarding pension funds investments and the benefits granted during the decumulation stage and to present experiences and share proposals to keep on advancing in the strengthening and consolidation of the Individually Funded Pension Systems after the global financial crisis of the last years. Additionally, it was analyzed the implicit and explicit public debt generated by the pension systems, its accounting, as well as its impact on the creation and development of the individually funded pension programs in the light of the recent facts occurred in Central and Eastern Europe.

The Seminar coincided with the celebration of the Tenth Anniversary of the Law of the Dominican Social Security System, which created the Pension System in the Dominican Republic, and with the XV FIAP Meeting. As in previous occasions, international experts shared their experience and knowledge in relation to the different topics abovementioned. The seminar gathered participants from different parts of the world (members of FIAP and others), including governmental authorities, members of the Congress, officers of international bodies, representatives of pension funds administrators, mutual funds and insurance companies and other officials concerned with the social security sector.

In order to download the Seminar program, the registration form and the hotel reservations and transfers form, please download the attached documents or visit the following website: www.adafpfiap2011.com

In the following chart you can download the presentations made in the Seminar:

Speaker Presentation
Alberto J. Bernal-León Colombia: Retos y Desafíos en el 2011 -2012
Alcides Vargas Manotas Discurso de Instalación
Alejandro Ferreiro Principales obstáculos regulatorios que enfrenta el diseño de multifondos: un análisis para el Sistema Colombiano
Carlos Hurtado Financiamiento de Infraestructura. Desafíos y Lecciones de la Experiencia del Caso Chileno
Carmen Pagés-Serra Productividad y política social en América Latina
Cecilia López Montaño Colombia: a la penúltima moda
Francisco Margozzini Implementación de los Multifondos: el caso chileno y peruano
Gerardo Hernández Correa Principales Desafíos del Esquema de Multifondos en Colombia
Hernando Vargas La política monetaria en la post-crisis: principales retos y respuestas en Colombia
Hugo López Castaño Informalidad y desempleo en Colombia: retos para el sistema de seguridad social
Juan Carlos Echeverry Colombia: Avances y desafíos para el desarrollo
Marco Pirondini Europa, Medio Oriente y la tragedia en Japón: impacto en el mercado de capitales
Mauricio Cárdenas Reflexiones sobre la situación pensional en Colombia
Mauricio Santa María Hacia un sistema pensional con cobertura, equidad y sostenibilidad
Oscar Franco La experiencia de los multifondos El caso de México
Peter Ferket Presiones inflacionarias y mecanismos de cobertura frente al riesgo de inflación
Rafael Domenech Sistemas Públicos de Pensiones y la Crisis Fiscal en la Zona Euro: Enseñanzas para América Latina
Robert C. Merton Innovación Financiera en Administración de Portafolios y Vehículos de Ahorro de Largo Plazo
Roberto Steiner Sampedro Principales retos del sistema pensional
Rodrigo Suescún Melo Ideas para una Reforma Pensional
Santiago Montenegro Discurso Sesión de Clausura
Waldo Tapia Multifondos: lecciones y desafíos de la experiencia internacional
See all seminars

Attached Files

Formulario de Inscripción (PDF)


Formulario de Reserva de Hotel y Traslados (PDF)


Formulario de Inscripción (Excel)


Formulario de Reserva de Hotel y Traslados (Excel)


Resumen presentaciones Seminario FIAP 2011

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