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FIAP > Fifth FIAP-ASOFONDOS International Congrees – Cartagena de Indias – Colombia


5 April, 2016

Fifth FIAP-ASOFONDOS International Congrees – Cartagena de Indias – Colombia

The International Federation of Pension Fund Administrators, FIAP, and the Colombian Association of Pension and Retirement Fund Managers, ASOFONDOS, are very pleased to announce that the Fifth FIAP-ASOFONDOS International Congress which was held on April 26 and 27, 2012, in the Hilton Hotel in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.

Five years ago, FIAP and ASOFONDOS organized the first version of this International Pension Funds Congress to provide a space for the analysis and exchange of constructive ideas and proposals that could contribute to the difficult task of designing the public policies of our countries.

Our commitment is to maintain the academic level of former congresses, so we are pleased to invite you to the conference of the 2004 winner of the Nobel Prize for Economy, Edward C. Prescott, a pioneer in the study of economic cycles, who will speak on the role of governments, investment and taxes in the origins and solutions of the current crisis, with some reflections for Latin America.

And to answer the question as to why the large majority of Latin American countries have not managed to overcome the political, social and economic obstacles blocking the route to development, we have the pleasure of inviting you to the conference of Harvard Professor Mr. James Robinson, who will talk on his acclaimed book jointly written with Daron Acemoglu, “Why Nations Fail: The origins of power, prosperity and poverty”.

Similarly, the analysis of demographic aspects, ageing, competitiveness, economic development, employment and inequality, investment in infrastructure, the economic situation of Europe and Latin America, among other issues, will be examined by academically brilliant national and international speakers, And, of course, reflections on the pension reforms of several Latin American countries will be the subject of serious debate and analysis.

The Colombian pensions industry and representatives of FIAP will be much honored to have you accompany us.
Download the registration form at the following link.

Download the Academic Program of the Congress at the following link.

For sponsorships, contact Ana María Galvis at Telephone No. (57-1) 257 7376 or at e-mail anamaria.galvis@doblep.com.co

See all seminars

Attached Files

Program FIAP International Seminar 2012


Alejandra Cox - "The interdependent relationship between the changes and trends in the labor market and the individually-funded pension systems" (only in spanish)


Alejandro Ferreiro - "Responsibilities and rights of the administrators in the companies where the invest the pension funds and their contribution to the improvent of corporate governance: international experience today" (only in spanish)


Luis Valdivieso - "Comments on the presentation on corporate governance" (only in spanish)


Andrzej Nartowski - "Comments on the presentation on corporate governance"


Vicente Corta - "Comments on the presentation on corporate governance" (only in spanish)


Daniel Karam - "Social Security in Mexico: current situation and prospects" (only in spanish)


Carmen Pagés - "¿Are contribution rates and retirement ages sufficient, in view of labour market characteristics and life expectancies?" (only in spanish)


Pedro Ordorica - "¿Are contribution rates and retirement ages sufficient, in view of labour market characteristics and life expectancies?" (only in spanish)


Stephen Utkus - "Critical factors in the development of voluntary pension savings plans and lessons for designing them"


Mario Marcel - "Political economy of the 2008 Chilean Pension Reform" (only in spanish)


Ángel Martínez-Aldama - "Crisis of the pas-as-you-go (o PAYG) pension systems and their failure to deliver the defined benefits as promised: recent developments in the complex world scenario" (only in spanish)


Gonzalo Rengifo - "European debt crisis, where we stand and expected outcome"


Jorge Castorina - "Basic conditions to ensure the stability of an individually-funded pension system: international experiences. The Argentine case" (only in spanish)


Sergio Baeza - "Basic conditions to ensure the stability of an individually-funded pension system: international experiences. The Chilean case" (only in spanish)


Gabriel Ortiz - "Possible actions to be taken with a view to improving the public image and strengthening the relationship between members and the pension system" (only in spanish)


Francisco González Almaráz - "The industry's opinion on ways of improving its public image" (only in spanish)


Andrés Castro - "The industry's opinion on ways of improving its public image" (only in spanish)


Xavier de Uriarte - "The industry's opinion on ways of improving its public image" (only in spanish)


Agustín Carstens - "Effects of globalisation on the volatility and correlation of financial assets and the advantages of diversification: lessons in mid-crisis" (only in spanish)


David Blake - "Nudges and Networks: How to use behavioural economics to improve the life cycle savings-consumption balance"


Academic Program FIAP - ASOFONDOS 2012


Hernán Sabau - "Certificates of Development Capital (CKDs) and the FIBRAs ¿How werw APF's resources channeled into these instruments?" (only in spanish)


Luis Valdivieso - "Structure and results of the investment trust for infrastructure and the infrastructure investment fund in Peru" (only in spanish)


Luis Fernando Andrade - "How to actively promote infrastructure financing?" (only in spanish)


Jorge Castellano - Roundtable - "How to actively promote infrastructure financing?" (only in spanish)


Piedad Urdinola - "Implications of the financial crisis for long run retirement security" - O. Mitchell


Solange Berstein - "The pension reform in Chile: Coverage, benefits and main results" (only in spanish)


Rafael Pardo - Roundtable "Which should be the objetives of the pension reform in Colombia?" (only in spanish)


Olga Lucía Acosta - Roundtable "Which should be the objectives of the pension reform in Colombia"? (only in spanish)


Sergio Clavijo - Roundtable "Which should be the objectives of the pension reform in Colombia?" (only in spanish)


Jorge Sicilia - "Europe: Challenges and opportunities. Waiting for the solution of the European crisis" (only in spanish)


Luis Oganes - "Latin America: The other side of a world in crisis" (only in spanish)


James Robinson - "The origins of Power, prosterity and poverty. Why nations fail?"


Edward Prescott - "Financial crisis and Latin America Development"


Comments: Juan Carlos Echeverri, Minister of Finance and Public Credit, Colombia (only in spanish)

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