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FIAP > FIAP’s Seminar “How to strengthen Latin America’s new pension systems?: The rol of each pillar in the solution of the pension issue” – Colombia


6 April, 2016

FIAP’s Seminar “How to strengthen Latin America’s new pension systems?: The rol of each pillar in the solution of the pension issue” – Colombia

A Pensions Seminar, organized by FIAP, was held on 19th – 20th May, at the Charleston Cartagena Hotel, in Cartagena de Indias, in which pension reforms were analyzed, giving answers to the critics that these systems actually face and defining future improvements.

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Attached Files

"The three - or four? - pillars of a social security system" - E. James - May - Colombia (Available in Spanish)


"First pillar schemes in Latin America" - F. Bertranou - May - Colombia (Available in Spanish)


"Labor market and pension coverage" - A. Iglesias - May - Colombia (Available in Spanish)


"How to finance first pillar schemes?" - O. Acosta - May - Colombia (Available in Spanish)


"Voluntary pension saving: The experience in Latin America" - G. Alcalde - May - Colombia (Available in Spanish)


"Promoting personal saving: The power of inertia" - A. Repetto - May - Colombia (Available in Spanish)


"Experience with voluntary pension plans in the United States" - D. Duffy - May - Colombia (Available in Spanish)


"Voluntary pension saving on pension financing" - A. Castro - May - Colombia (Available in Spanish)


"Pension funds investment: results and reforms of the regulation" - F. Zamarriego - May - Colombia (Available in Spanish)


"Fixed income management of the pension funds, and volatility risk control" - J. Arguello - May - Colombia (Available in Spanish)


"Performance of reformed second pillars in Latin America: response to criticism" - D. Artana - May - Colombia (Available in Spanish)


"The remaining agenda in PAYG reforms" - A. Schwarz - May - Colombia (Available in Spanish)


"The reformed pension systems in Latin America: some macroeconomic considerations" - D. Taguas - May - Colombia (Available in Spanish)


"Old - age income support in the 21st century's: an international perspective on pension system and reform" - R. Holzmann - May - Colombia (Available in Spanish)


"Commentaries about the World Bank perspectives" - G. Larraín - May - Colombia (Available in Spanish)

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