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FIAP > FIAP-AMAFORE International Seminar 2023


31 July, 2023

FIAP-AMAFORE International Seminar 2023


We are pleased to invite you to participate in the FIAP-AMAFORE International Seminar, jointly organized by the International Federation of Pension Fund Administrators (FIAP) and the Mexican Association of Retirement Fund Administrators (AMAFORE), on 23 and October 24, 2023, at the Citibanamex Center, Mexico City, Mexico.

During the seminar will be discussed, among other topics:

  • The success that the pension system based on individual savings has had in obtaining excellent returns for the benefit of workers.
  • The development of new markets and investments in Mexico and the world through the pension fund administrators.
  • The national and international economic situation.
  • The pensions of the future.
  • Investments (alternative, sustainable, development of the financial system).
  • Improvement of pension systems.

This Seminar coincides with the XXVI FIAP Annual Assembly. As on previous occasions, we will have international experts who will present their experience and knowledge on different topics of interest, and there will be participants from different regions of the world (FIAP members and others), including government authorities, parliamentarians, agency officials representatives of pension fund administrators, mutual funds and insurance companies, and other personalities related to the financial and social security fields.

To review the academic agenda, register and review other logistical issues, please visit the following website:


To book your accommodation at the seminar venue hotel (Hyatt Insurgentes Hotel), please visit the following link:


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