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FIAP > 19th FIAP International Seminar “Challenges and solutions for pensions today and tomorrow”


20 October, 2022

19th FIAP International Seminar “Challenges and solutions for pensions today and tomorrow”

On October 6 and 7, the XIX FIAP International Seminar “Challenges and solutions for pensions today and tomorrow” was held, organized jointly by the International Federation of Pension Fund Administrators (FIAP) and the Dominican Association of Pension Fund Administrators (ADAFP), at the Barceló Bávaro Palace hotel, Dominican Republic.

The main objectives of the seminar were to analyze the challenges faced by pension systems due to the increasing longevity of the population, the informality of labor markets and the particular situation of women. Likewise, the need to improve pensions beyond mandatory contributory programs was addressed, with non-contributory pensions, voluntary savings, micro-pensions and women’s pensions. The challenges in terms of communications, pension education and experiences using behavioral economics were also studied, as well as improving the risk/return profile of pension fund investments and incorporating the latest technological advances applied to pensions. . Additionally, the evolution and perspectives of the world economy were analyzed.

To deal with these issues, we had international experts who presented their experience and knowledge on different topics of interest, and we had participants from different regions of the world (FIAP members and others), including government authorities, parliamentarians, officials from international organizations , representatives of the administrators of pension funds, mutual funds and insurance companies, and other personalities related to the financial and social security fields. This Seminar coincided with the XXV FIAP Annual Assembly.

Please download all the presentations of this seminar at the bottom of this page.

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Attached Files

Day I - Block I: The challenges of pension systems

Orientation of pension reforms worldwide - Rodrigo Acuña


China's Multi-Tier and Multi-Pillar Pension System - Yuzhao Xie


Importance of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Factors in the investment of pension funds - Gonzalo Rengifo


Pension Education and financial health: communication from a behavioral science perspective - Diego Valero


Day I - Block II: The Challenge of improving pensions beyond mandatory contribution programs

Labor informality in Latin America and the Caribbean: challenges and solutions - Carlos Ramirez


Evolution of non-contributory pension programs in Latin America - Gonzalo Reyes


Micropensions, incorporating informal labor markets to expand coverage: international analysis and experiences - Gautam Bhardwaj


The challenge of achieving better pensions for women - María de las Nieves Lanzagorta


Conference Day 1

Behavioral Economic Toolkits for Accumulation and Decumulation - Shlomo Benartzi


Day II - Block I: More and better pensions for the coming decades

Lessons Learned: What does regional experience tell us? - Pablo Antolín


How to get people good pensions - David Blake


Consolidating reforms: Mexico's experience - Bernardo Gonzalez


A vision of pensions in 2050 - Waldo Tapia


Day II - Block II: 21 years of operation of the Dominican pension system: balance and improvements

Reflections and perspectives after 20 years of pension reform in the Dominican Republic - David Tuesta


The Digital Transformation in the Operating Model of Social Security in the Dominican Republic - Lucas Gaitán


Perspectives of the insurance industry on disability and survival coverage of AFP members - José Goris


Outlook and perspective of the Pension Fund Administrators - Kirsis Jáquez


Role and vision of the Superintendency of Pensions (SIPEN) - Juan Carlos Jiménez


Day II - Block III: AFPs and pension funds in the Dominican stock market: Competitiveness and economic and social profitability

Elianne Vilchez, Executive Vice President of the Stock Exchange of the Dominican Republic


Yamil Isaías - Pioneer Investments Funds


Felipe Amador – Advance Asset Management

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