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FIAP > 12th International Seminar FIAP-1st International Conference AAFP – Cusco – Peru


5 April, 2016

12th International Seminar FIAP-1st International Conference AAFP – Cusco – Peru

The twelfth version of the FIAP International Seminar “Reinforcing the Foundations of the Individually-Funded Pension System to Ensure its Sustainability”, coincided with the celebration of the 1st International Conference of the Peruvian Association of Private Pension Funds Administrators (AAFP). Both events were organized by the International Federation of Pension Funds Administrators (FIAP), in conjunction with the AAFP, on May 15 and 16 2014, in Cusco, Peru.

The topics discussed, based on the principles of economic freedom and individual savings, aimed at identifying the mechanisms that enable underpinning the foundations of the sustainability of the individually-funded pension system. The selected topics were highly relevant internationally for the members of the individually-funded pension system, pension fund administrators and government authorities.

We invited speakers and panelists of the highest professional standing, who discussed the key factors affecting the development of the individually-funded pension system, such as low pension coverage and retirement saving patterns; the returns on of the managed funds and the tools available for managing risks in unpredictable situations; the degree of efficiency and competence of the industry and its impact on administrative costs, and the type and quality of pensions; corporate government practices, transparency and relationships with members and pensioners; and finally, the coexistence of alternative contributory pension systems.

This event coincided with the celebration of the XXI Anniversary of the Private Pension Funds System in Peru and the XVIII FIAP Annual Assembly. As on former occasions, the event was attended by participants from different parts of the world (FIAP members and others), including government authorities, congressmen, officials of international agencies, and representatives of pension fund managers, investment funds, mutual funds and insurance companies, as well as other personalities related to the financial and social security sectors.

You can download the program and seminar presentations at the foot of this page.

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Attached Files

Download here the Academic Program of the Seminar


Hernando de Soto - Individual Savings and Economic Freedom


Santiago Levy - Retirement Pensions in Latin America. Where are we going?


Norman Loayza - Risk Management as a Development Tool


René Novellino - Pension Coverage.The Case of El Salvador


Claudia Cooper - Corporate Dynamism and Informality


Graham Goodhew - Pension Funds – Investment Returns and Risk Management


Joaquín Cortez - Profitability and Risk Management in Pension Funds


Carlos Ramírez - Performance and Risk Management: An Overview of the Pension Supervisor


Marie Bríere - Regulation and Pension Funds Investment Performances


Augusto de la Torre - Efficient Fully-Funded Pension Systems: Market Frictions and Policy Challenges


Solange Berstein - Competition in the Pension System: Where are we and where should we go?


Renzo Ricci - Efficiency, Competition and Management Costs


Augusto Iglesias - The promise of better pensions in individually-funded pension systems: Reflections from the Chilean experience


Oscar Vela - Market of Life Annuities derived from the Social Security. Problems and Solutions in the Mexican market


Mariano Bosch - Better Pensions, Better Jobs


Jorge Ramos - The type and quality of Pensions in Individually-Funded Pension Systems


Daniel Blume - Corporate Governance and the Role of Pension Funds


Jorge Ramos - El Tipo y Calidad de las Pensiones en los Sistemas de Capitalización Individual


Daniel Blume - Corporate Governance and the Role of Pension Funds


Benedict Clements - Equitable and Sustainable Public Pensions: Challenges and Experience


Joanne Segars - Co-existence, complementarity & competition between alternative systems


Carlos Noriega - Coexistence of Alternative Contributive Pension Systems


John Ashcroft - Co-existence. Complementarity or arbitrage?


Diego Valero - Coexistence of Alternative Contributive Pension Systems


Andrés Castro - Panel of discussion, conclusions and recommendations

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