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FIAP > Frequent questions

Frequent questions


What is FIAP?

FIAP, International Federation of Pension Funds Administrators, is an entity that gathers the associations and management entities of countries that have pension funds administrators systems and those in process of implementing them.

Who can become a FIAP member?

Full membership.

Can become members, those Associations, Federations, Chambers or another similar, from those countries that have legally established pension funds administrators systems or similar, and that have, as affiliates, entities that take part in administration, coverage or granting of social benefits, benefits or services proper of the aforementioned systems. Likewise, the entities of those countries that don’t have yet asociations, chambers or similar, but find themselves linked to activities indicated above.
Collaborator membership.
Also, those institutions and companies interested in private pension systems will be able to be a part of Association, as collaborating members.

What is necessary to become a FIAP member?

In order to be a FIAP member, it is required a written request, that is presented to the Executive Committee and the favorable resolution of the same; The Executive Committee will enjoy complete autonomy to appreciate the convenience of the solicited entrance and will be able to disallow it without expression of cause.
Model letter for new members
Model letter for new collaborating members

FIAP publications

How can I have access to FIAP's publications?

These publications are available to our users in two different ways:
-By article, on the link “Documentation Center“, where the contents of each book are separated by area of interest.

-By publication, on the link “FIAP Publications“, where you can find the entire texts, available for downloading.
If you prefer a hard copy, please contact fiap@fiap.cl

Pension systems

How many countries have made reforms?

Until now, 28 countries have made reform to their pension systems. More information available here.

Which countries have Multifunds?

So far, the countries that have implemented Multifunds are:
Chile (2002)
Peru (2005)
Mexico (2005)
Slovakia (2005)

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