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FIAP > Boletín – Otras Publicaciones > Population aging, a challenge for the Mexican Pension System – AMAFORE – August 2017
4 September, 2017

Population aging, a challenge for the Mexican Pension System – AMAFORE – August 2017

This report highlights the fact that the rapid growth of the population, the increase in life expectancy and demographic changes in Mexico, are a challenge to the Mexican Pension System. There are increasingly more senior citizens who are dependent on the active working population, than children and young people under the age of 15.

These factors, among others, make it necessary to adjust the pension system. Many countries (Italy, the United Kingdom, Germany, Portugal, Greece, etc.) have reformed their pension systems, including gradual increases in the retirement age of workers, in accordance with the increase in life expectancy. In countries like Mexico, where the pension system is governed by an individual accounts system, this kind of reform to the pension system, as well as increasing savings, is necessary, since the accumulated balances in individual accounts, which will be used to finance the individual pensions of workers, must be used for financing more years of retirement of workers.

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