Due to the low percentage of workers who actually contribute to contributory pension programs, 60% of adults over the age of 65 in the Latin American region, on average, do not receive a contributory pension. Given this scenario, we are faced with the challenge of increasing contributory pension coverage.
The document highlights 11 proposals that make it possible to achieve this objective. The first 5 are:
- Promote economic development in a sustained manner through various policies, because this generates greater labor formality.
- Promote policies that make it possible to reduce labor informality, through measures aimed at improving the labor market (eg: promoting formal employment for women), and policies that improve the design of social security (eg: taking care that the requirements to access the benefits of social programs do not discourage contributions to contributory pensions).
- Educate and communicate the benefits of the contributory pension system.
- Reduce the problem of pension evasion and avoidance, for example, by increasing the effectiveness of the inspection process for the payment of worker contributions and reviewing the design and interrelationship of the different existing social programs.
- Continue advancing in the compulsory incorporation into the pension system of self-employed workers with the capacity to save.
We invite you to review the rest of the proposed measures by reading the full report here.