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FIAP > Boletín – Recientes > Pension Notes N° 69 – Gender gaps in pensions and seven proposals for improving women’s pensions in FIAP countries – March 2023
24 May, 2023

Pension Notes N° 69 – Gender gaps in pensions and seven proposals for improving women’s pensions in FIAP countries – March 2023

Women’s average pension amounts are significantly lower than those of men in most parts of the world, which is due to several factors, among which the following stand out: they earn lower wages, contribute fewer years, have a lower official retirement age, and live longer.

To reduce this pension gap, it is proposed:

  1. Equalize the legal retirement age between men and women in countries where there is still a difference.
  2. Promote childcare networks
  3. Improve labor legislation to reduce gender biases (Ex: part-time and teleworking; equal paternity leave)
  4. Encourage non-contributory or solidarity pensions
  5. Provide pensions for women in case of separation or divorce
  6. Create subsidies for people who care for senior citizens and the disabled
  7.  Create voluntary pension savings plans with tax incentives

To review the full document, click here.


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