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FIAP > Boletín – Otras Publicaciones > OECD study on pension systems in Peru – OECD – September 2019
16 October, 2019

OECD study on pension systems in Peru – OECD – September 2019

The study evaluates Peru’s pension system as a whole, analyzing the provision of both public and private pensions: PAYGO pensions financed with current contributions and individually funded pensions. The best international practices and the peculiarities of the Peruvian pension system are taken into account to propose a series of policy options that improve its functioning and its capacity to provide adequate and safe retirement pensions.

The study presents policy options to: (i) contribute to addressing poverty in old age by establishing a non-contributory pension that protects all Peruvians at this stage; (ii) establish a solid framework, so that the contributory pension system can fulfill its objectives; (iii) improve the coverage of the system and the level of pensions; (iv) optimize the design and improve the regulation of the individually funded system; and (v) improve confidence in the pension system.

To review the study, please click on this link.

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