FIAP has just published the book “The Role of Defined Contribution Programs to Pensions: Challenges and Proposals”, which compiles the papers present by renowned speakers at the twenty-fifth FIAP International Seminar of the same name, held on October 30 and 31, 2017, in Mexico City, Mexico.
This book, the 16th published by the FIAP, highlights the following topics:
- Achievements and challenges of the defined contribution pension systems. Reflections on the individually funded pension savings systems in Latin American are presented here.
- The challenges of an aging global population. This chapter discusses current and future demographic trends and the Social Security challenges they entail. Likewise, the decumulation strategies that can be adopted for successful retirement and the improvements required in the decumulation stage in the individually funded systems, are analyzed.
- Savings habits in the region. This chapter discusses the role of voluntary pension savings in the construction of workers’ pensions. It also describes the savings behavior of millennials.
- The social responsibility of the pension funds. This chapter respond to the usual criticism of investment criteria based on environmental, social and governance factors (ESG). It also presents evidence on the advantages of investing in green bonds.
FIAP thanks all the authors for the preparation and revision of their respective articles.
To review the electronic PDF version of this book, please download it here.