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FIAP > Boletín – Otras Publicaciones > Employee Financial Literacy and Retirement Plan Behavior: A Case Study – Global Financial Literacy Excellence Center (GFLEC) – June 2016
22 July, 2016

Employee Financial Literacy and Retirement Plan Behavior: A Case Study – Global Financial Literacy Excellence Center (GFLEC) – June 2016


  • Robert Clark
  • Annamaria Lussardi
  • Olivia S. Mitchell


This paper uses the administrative data of all active employees of the Federal Reserve System of the USA to examine enrollment and contributions to the Thrift Saving Plan (TSP, a defined-contribution pension program similar to the 401k, offered to U.S. civil service workers). The authors mainly found that:

  • Federal Reserve employees have substantially higher levels of financial literacy than the majority of the population; they also found that these workers with greater financial literacy are more likely to participate in its defined-contribution plan.
  • Employees with greater financial literacy contribute 3 percentage points more of their income than workers with less knowledge, and also maintain a higher percentage of equities in their portfolios.
  • Workers who completed a training course were more likely to begin to contribute to the plan, and were less likely to stop contributing to it.

The authors conclude that learning programs have a significant impact on the decisions of workers’ retirement savings, and that, consistent with other studies, higher levels of financial literacy have a significant impact on retirement savings patterns.

To review the study in detail, please download it here.

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