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FIAP > Press Releases > FIAP attended the Business Forum convened by the ILO, IOE and ECLAC
2 July, 2024

FIAP attended the Business Forum convened by the ILO, IOE and ECLAC

July 2024

A Business Forum convened by the International Labour Organization (ILO), the International Organisation of Employers (IOE), and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) was held in Santiago, Chile, on June 27 and 28 this year.

The event began at the ILO facilities in Santiago, Chile, on June 27, with the Forum “Productivity, growth and productive development in Latin America and the Caribbean.” The factors that slow down productivity in Latin America, the challenges of labor informality and the challenges and opportunities inherent in the jobs of the future, were discussed on this occasion. The public and private sectors must jointly work towards higher productivity and economic growth to achieve the goal of building more prosperous, equitable societies with greater opportunities for all.

The High-Level Regional Dialog was held in the ECLAC facilities on June 28, to discuss the role of the private sector within the framework of a new vision of productive development policies in Latin America and the Caribbean, to broaden opportunities for dialog and deepen collaboration among all economic stakeholders for more sustainable and inclusive development. The event highlighted successful experiences of entrepreneurs participating in public-private governance endeavors to address strategic issues such as sustainable development, closing human talent gaps, the generation and dissemination of technology and knowledge, and territorial productive development.

The International Federation of Pension Fund Managers (FIAP) was invited to participate in both events, represented by its president, Guillermo Arthur, and its executive vice president, Karol Fernández.

Guillermo Arthur emphasized that “employers’ organizations have clearly pointed out the need for the ILO to highlight the importance of individual savings as a source of pension financing, at a time when demographic changes are making PAYGO systems unsustainable.”

Karol Fernández, on the other hand, pointed out that “employers play a key role in our social security systems, so it is crucial for FIAP to maintain permanent contact with their representative organizations, with the aim of achieving better pensions.”


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