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FIAP > Boletín – Otras Publicaciones > Can a small social pension promote labor force participation? Evidence from the Colombia Mayor Program – World Bank – December 2015
23 March, 2016

Can a small social pension promote labor force participation? Evidence from the Colombia Mayor Program – World Bank – December 2015

One of the primary motivations behind the establishment of noncontributory pension programs is to allow beneficiaries to retire from the labor force. Yet, as with other unconditional cash transfer schemes, their aggregate effects may be more complex. Using panel data and instrumental variable techniques, this paper shows that the effect of one such program, Colombia Mayor, has been to raise the labor force participation of relatively younger male beneficiaries. This increase occurred precisely in the occupations with characteristics that are likely to require some up-front investment. The paper concludes that the transfer effectively loosened the liquidity constraints to remaining in these occupations. However, no such effect is found among women or older beneficiaries.

To review the full study, please download it here.

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