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FIAP > Bulletin August 2023

Bulletin August 2023

2023 FIAP-AMAFORE International Seminar: registration open

We are pleased to invite you to participate in the FIAP-AMAFORE International Seminar, jointly organized by the International Federation of […]


FIAP and the Brazilian Association of Pension Funds sign a Technical and Cultural Cooperation Agreement

Last July 27, FIAP and the Brazilian Association of Pension Funds (Associação Brasileira das Entidades Fechadas de Previdência Complementar – […]


FIAP set out its proposals for increasing contributory pension coverage in Latin America at an international seminar organized by the Brazilian Association of Pension Funds

The Brazilian Association of Pension Funds (ABRAPP) held its international seminar “Pension structures in the Americas,” in Santiago, Chile, on […]


FIAP President raises the importance of incorporating savings mechanisms into pension systems at the annual ILO conference

During the 111th Annual Conference of the International Labour Organization (ILO), which was held in Geneva from June 5 to […]


FIAP attended the successful celebration of the tenth edition of the Global Pension Program

The tenth edition of the Global Pensions Program (GPP), jointly organized by the IDB, the International Association of Pension Fund […]


China: More than 24 million citizens have opened individual pension savings accounts

More than 24 million individual pension accounts have been opened since China announced the implementation of its private pension plan […]


Chile: According to the director of the UC Institute of Economics, the pension reform should offer strong incentives for labor formalization and incorporate a stronger individually funded component, because more savings are needed

“Pension reform is very necessary, and not only because of pensions, but also because people need to see that the […]


The Netherlands: The Senate passed a law requiring defined benefit pension plans to transition to defined contribution pension plans by January 1, 2028

On May 30, 2023, the Dutch Senate approved the Future of Pensions Act, which requires defined benefit (DB) pension plans […]

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