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FIAP > Destacados Boletines > 15th FIAP International Seminar – Save the Date
4 September, 2017

15th FIAP International Seminar – Save the Date

The International Federation of Pension Funds Administrators (FIAP) invites you to the upcoming 15th FIAP International Seminar, to be held on October 30 and 31, 2017, in Mexico City, Mexico.

This year the agenda will be focus in three main topics regarding pension systems under defined contribution schemes.

1. Sustainability of pension systems

Experts from multilateral entities such as OECD and IADB will comment on the benefits associated to the reforms that lead to defined contribution adoption schemes in several countries, the recent upgrade to those reforms and the challenges ahead to achieve sustainability in pension funds.

2. Facing the deaccumulation phase

Defined contribution systems were designed to payout to their affiliates the amount accumulated in their accounts once the retirement age is reached. However, as these schemes have evolved is more evident the need for investment strategies that link active working life with the retirement phase (decumulation) and pension options, focused on achieving adequate and stable income levels during the retirement.

3. Investment strategies and criteria of global pension funds

Global pension funds are adopting ESG criteria to ensure the sustainability of their investments also a big trend among pension funds is infrastructure investing as a tool to boost returns. In this framework, there is a tradeoff between outsourcing or insourcing investment.

The agenda can be consulted in the seminars website www.aforemx.org. In this website, you can also complete the registration process to participate in the seminar, reserve your accommodation in the Presidente Intercontinental Hotel and reserve your ground transportation from the airport to the hotel.

Registration fee*: 475 USD

*Includes: access to conferences, lunch and formal dinner on October 30th and ground transportation hotel-conference center.

Registration code: XV-FIAP

Contact: Amafore
Tel: + 52 55 3098 3950


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