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FIAP > Informativo FIAP > Fondos Privados de Pensiones administraron 736.444 millones de dólares en 2007
31 enero, 2016

Fondos Privados de Pensiones administraron 736.444 millones de dólares en 2007

The Individually Funded Systems continues to be the yardstick pension system worldwide. As of December 2007, pension funds of International Federation of Pension Fund Administrators (FIAP) member countries haven 120.681.830 affiliates, with an increase of 1,64% respect to September of the same year, and they manage US$ 736.444 million dollars.

According to the FIAP’s Quarterly Statistical Report Nº 33, in Latin America countries with mandatory pension systems , there are 76.296.327 workers. From those, the biggest number is for Mexico with the 50,32% of the affiliates, then we have Argentina and Chile with 14,60% and 10,52%, of the affiliates.

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